Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris
Does anyone know who all we have have lost since high school?
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Roxanne Walker, Marcy Wendell and Linda Ovingdon and another girl who drowned at Fulton Beach, can't recall her name.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Peggy Taylor drowned the summer between 7th and 8th was very sad... we were best friends.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Yes I remember Roxanne and Marcy and Linda passed away around our freshman year.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris and David Daws
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Didn't know about David. Flo Lara told me about Marcy and he lost his brother.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I found out about him a few years back.......
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I seem to remember Ricky Valdez ..wasn't he is a car accident?
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen OH, he was so cute.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris yes he was and a good friend
David Crawford Rick hit a bridge embankment and he, his wife and children were all killed.. dont remember what year but a while ago
David Crawford believe it was around edna
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris wasn't that the railroad overpass before you get into to Refugio coming from Victoria?
David Crawford not for sure
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I believe David had cancer if I am correct.
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Anna, what ever happened to Tommy DeForest and Smiley ??
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen David Daws.
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Elva, but what better way than this to remember them, I sure will miss Roxy. She was so much fun to be around, she even got a speeding ticket in my old white camaro.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris OMG I haven't thought about Smiley S. in like forever. I remember hearing something about Tommy like 20 yrs ago, his tugboat I think it was sunk and him and his crew were in the water for hours seems like some of them didn't make it but Tommy did (because of his size)
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Tears...OMG Tears, my husband is looking at me like I am nuts...Anna only you would say something like that... :)
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris ?:I sorry but I remember that is what the news reported
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Anyway those two would always show up at my house on Key Allegro and my mother didn't like him...said he needed to shave more. Poor guy always had a five o'clock shadow.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin If you're talking about Tommy DeForest from Key Allegro, he's alive and well!
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Taylor Blocker, Terry Freeborn:-(
Laurel McMeredith Andreasen Not Taylor! Another really laid back cool dude. Terry too. :(
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris OMG .... *FARKLE*....... I just remember Roxanne saying that.....
Debbie Smith Krenek I can't remember his last name but I believe in 5th or 6th grade we lost Jeff ... He had an amazing voice and I remember best him singing a Christmas song .. Silver Bells.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I don't think I remember that name
Debbie Smith Krenek He was a cute young boy.. dark hair and kind of small frame .. I can picture his face but can't think of his last name.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin We lost Charles Ingersol to Leukemia in Jr. High. He had a sweet older sister too. Can't drag her name out of the fog>
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Anyone know about Crazy Tony Galindo?
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin He had a nasty monkey!
Bill Beasley Like Elva said... Way too many, way too young. Alice Cater's death nearly killed me!
Mary Harmon Ida Gonzales, Margie Morgan, Melissa Ramirez, Susan Keller....
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris she rolled her car in a ditch with water didn't she? I remember hearing about it after the fact... was really sad.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Margie Morgan:-( What happened?
Elva Nava Mark Wright, Debbie Brown, Joe Pina, Abel Salazar, Dennis Neubauer, Valerie Harwick, Rick Peres, Charlie & Pat Nava, Roland "Polly" Flores, Clay Gillis, Andy Crawford, Mellie Flores, Ricky Little, Tony Garcia, Johnny Ray Garcia - to name a fewthat have left us....
Joann McGregor Charles Ingersols older sister also passed, Sandy lives in new mexico, can't think of her name..
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Oh my I didn't realize all those people had passed on. What happen to Ricky Little
Mary Harmon I don't know what happened to Margie.
Joann McGregor Emily Murph lost in a car wreck going to PA many years ago with her mom in the car? not sure about her mom
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I remember Johnny Ray had this big clear ruler in 6th grade and he use to chase us with
Joann McGregor Alice was awful, she had left the pizza place Daddy Georges were i worked an hour before taking her bf home....dropped him off and went into a ditch....awful
Elva Nava Not sure what happened to Ricky Little...
Joann McGregor Nancy Nelslony=cancer
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Ralph Weekly. Same as Terry:-((((
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Jo Ann what happen to those 2?
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Dennis and Kenneth Both. I just herd about Kenneth. How did Dennis Go.?
Bill Beasley Alice had just dropped off a freind, not her boyfriend. We think she reached down to change the channel on her CB radio when she ran off the road. Was not wearing a seatbelt.
Ricky Little had aids. His parents wouldn't let anyone visit him when he was dying. Sad!
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin I thought Nancy Nesloney died a day after giving birth to her beautiful little baby girl. About 1989 or 1990.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I remember hearing that that is what Alice did when she rolled her car. And I thought Nance died also after childbirth. How sad that no one got to visit Ricky Little.
Joann McGregor I remember about no seatbelt, changing ch. she was with some guy...thought it was the guy bf,,
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin ?@Anna. Ralph committed suicide in front of Terry. Terry did the same, in the same spot on our ranch about 15 years later. Terry never got over Ralph, but Strawberry's death sent him over the edge:-(((
Kathy Dupnik-swango what happened to polly flores, i didn't know about him?
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris ?@JoAnn that is really sad... I didn't know this.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Me neither, Dale and I saw him working at the Lighthouse Restaraunt as a chef the last time. He was doing well. I never herd how. He was a sweet guy also.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin ?@Anna, yes, tragic:-(((
Joann McGregor I heard about the guys a few years back, so sorry Jo Ann, Ralph was always so funny at all the parties...
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Also Billy Miller...he past some years back.
Ellen Weese My best friend Clay Pitman...
Bill Beasley Billy Miller used to help me when I was practicing pole vault. I was shocked to see his grave at the cemetery last year.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin ?@Joann. Thanks, Ralph was crazy, in a good way too! Lord, his parties in Austin were famous!
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I ran into his wife in a Victoria hospital when he was in there, I was visiting my father in law......and was shocked he was there then the next thing I heard he had past. :(
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Clay was a sweetheart. Always kind, and ready to go have fun:-)
Jannet Bardwell Billy miller had complications with gallstones and had problrms with it for a year before the infection got so bad they couldn't do any thing more.. Denzel lost his battle with cancer after 2 1/2 yrs later...
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris What happen to Debbie Brown?
Bill Beasley I think Debbie was involved in an auto accident. Kay Anderson was killed in a motorcycle accident. I think Mark Wright was also killed in a motorcycle ax.
Mike Dupnik What happened to Charlie and pay nava
Brenda Hoffman Pat Anders, my first husband, and his brother, Mickey. So very much missed!!!!!
Elva Nava Pat died in a car accident in '89 on his way to the Aransas Pass Bowling Alley, on the back road, past Dupnik's Curve. Charlie died in Houston in 2003 after complications from liver failure. Really miss 'em...
Brenda Hoffman Elva which Pat are you talking about ?
Alma Cook Yvonne Miller passed away Nov2011 from lung cancer
Alma Cook Debbie Fake from cancer
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris I forgot about Yvonne..... I still have her facebook page on my friends list. :( Some of these names I remember but am having a hard time putting a face to it. :( old age I guess lol
Mary Harmon Patsy Bateman
Alma Cook Alice Carter? She died while we were still in school
Alma Cook Oh I still Have Yvonne on my friends list as well... I won't ever be able to take that off...
Alma Cook What happened to Susan Keller and Margie Morgan?
Brenda Hoffman So sorry, I forgot about Yvonne as well, loved her so!
Elva Nava Brenda, it was Pat Nava. He was 24 years old in '89.
Alma Cook If I remember correct. Alice actually drowned in that wreck, her head was under water in the ditch? I sat in front of her in a class, that was hard to walk into without here there, I still saw her sitting there
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris ?@Alma, a good friend of mine died about 7 yrs ago and I still can't bring myself to take her name off of my contacts list on my emails. Kinda the same with Karen Yvonne Miller Miles
Brenda Hoffman Oh, Elva I'm so sorry , I remember that now. Thanks honey.
John Cobb I think Billy Holt and Pat anders died on a oil rig why working.Johnny Ray Garcia die of a heartattach
Bill Beasley Alice went through the windshield - don't think she was conscious after that. We never did find her purse. I looked for it for hours. She worked at the airport and was going to solo the next day to get her private pilot's license.
Kay Pool Clark Alma, Margie died from some kind of disease. Not sure what disease but, she had to take steriods every day. When her mother died of cancer ,I think Margie gave up on life and didn't take her meds.
Alma Cook ?@ Anna, completely understand, like hanging on to that last strand. I spent the last 6 months of her life going to see her as often as possible, I had never watched anyone struggle or pass away, think that is one of the harder things I had ever done, telling her it was okay to go, She had a good 6 months, sure there were bad days, but all in all.. and let me tell you, her memory was sharper than mine.
Alma Cook ?@Kay, oh my that is so sad
Alma Cook Almost forgot, Mrs Fake also passed away, well she wasn't from class but...
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris ?@Alma I hadn't seen Yvonne for years....but we all grew up together, her parents and mine were really good friends and I can remember billy, yvonne, myself running around outside while our parents played pennie ante till all hours of the night.
Brenda Hoffman Yes John, Pat was electricuted while working on an oil rig. Didn't know Ricky Holt died. How?
Brenda Hoffman Also Wanda Grossman ,don't remember how are when, but was really fond of her. Anyone know where Johnny Grossman is?
Alma Cook ?@Anna, Yvonne had such a memory, so I am sure she remembered you and running around outside.. If she were still alive she would be adding so much to this conversation, there is no doubt! :-)
Janet Johnson We had our 30 year reunion last year and I believe we have lost 6 from the class of 80.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris ?@Alma.... she did remember...... when we found each other here on fb we had several long was great catching up with her. And I miss her too
Donna Franklin Love My brother Kenneth Franklin, and Melissa Ramirez.
Phyllis Sulrzycki Johnny Rowen,
Barbara Baldwin Harder Taylor Blocker, Johnny Rodriguez, Anna Dominguez, Clay, Charles McLead, Charles Ingersol, Becky Arthur, Gilbert Flores, Ricky Vanetter, I'm sure more, but these are the ones that come to mind other than the ones that y'all have already named...
Barbara Baldwin Harder Strawberry
Hallie Adams I was going to say Anna Dominguez. Clay, Charlie, there was also Danie - he worked as a butcher at HEB. Strawberry.
Sandy Cruser Homer Saucedo, he and Elvis (don't recall his last name) died our 10th grade year over in Portland . They were coming back from senior skip day in the middle of the night and fell asleep. They crashed into one of the palms in the median. Remember Jo when we went to see the crashsite and Homer's car? He and Alice Carter were both our class favorites our 10th grade. Both accidents were very tragic for all of their friends and classmates, but esspecially their family. I know it tore Gene up for a long time.
Alice Fields Bubba Grant !!! My Sweeheart
Joann McGregor Jenelle Stewart-died of cancer
Joann McGregor Jenelle and Harold Mundine married , one daughter still lives in Rockport
Jay Dietrich Marcy Wendell
Leticia Amparo Rodriguez Roth Becky West, Cathy Reid, Charles Sprague
Carolyn Prophet Wowo woww wow I didn't know aobut 1/2 of these people had died! Makes me sad but then they are all probable in a better place! I do miss Strawberry and still have pictures of him in my buffet!
Melanie Murph Harrison Emily Murph...died in 1997 in an auto accident...I miss her everyday:(
Sandy Cruser Do you all remember Ralph Weekley skiing in the raw around the ski basin? I think Terry was driving the boat. 4th of July I think?
Barbara Baldwin Harder Rhonda James
Barbara Baldwin Harder Melanie, I can't even imagine your hurt...I'm so sorry....sisters are the best friends you can ever have.
Donna Franklin Love Patsy Bateman
Mary Harmon Veronica Gonzalez. Cathy Reid...did she have sisters Sue and Brenda? What happened to her?
Sundi Price Johhny Sanchez.....Alvina Sanchez little brother. First good friend I ever lost...really affected me. Motercycle accident with a truck on Key Allegro
Jannet Bardwell Brett Ashley
Patti Bechtol Sundi remember throughing water balloons with Johnny? And when he taught us how to ride that bike at your house?
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Jay "Strawberry" Alberts. Cancer.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin ?@Sandy. Lord, I'm glad I missed that!
Janet Johnson In the Class of 1980 we have lost Scott Cory, Rhonda James, Johnny Joe Garcia and Sammy Corpus.
11 hours ago · Like.
David Crawford What happened to Brett? (Red Dog)
Jim Wiest yes, what happened to Scott Cory and Cathy Reid also?
Janet Johnson Not sure about Scott, I think it was a whle back
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Yes Sandy. I took a photo of that brown station wagon. It still haunts me. Dale was Homer's neighbor. It was horrible:-(
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Elvis was sweet. They were my surfin' buds. I had made a super 8 movie with all of us surfing. After the crash, someone borrowed it. They never gave it back. I had spent hours splicing it and added Moody Blues music. If you are reading this borrower, time to return it Please?
Joann McGregor melinee.. think of Emily often, went through some old pic albums this year...many of her from church camp....etc.
Joann McGregor what happened Pasty?
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin ?@Donna F. I didn't know you had lost Kenneth. I'm so sorry for you:-(
Brenda Hoffman Bret,(Red Dog) died 2 or 3 years ago.
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Ellen McElveen also passed away she was sister to Carrie Sue McElveen. cancer
Jannet Bardwell I think he drown in Copano
Janet Johnson If you are saying Red Dog drowned in Copano that's not correct. He fell off a boat in Copano and was rescued but he died a few years later. He was sick, but not sure what illness
Jannet Bardwell ok I wasn't living here then I just remember about him falling off the boat...
Janet Johnson yep he did and his wife did too, they were floating around for a while but both were found. Now they both have passed away.
Sandy Cruser It is very sad that thye are gone, but thankfully we have memories of them. So they are not forgotten.
Rachel Guerrero My brother Homer Saucedo also died the year he graduated. Automobile accident. He and Steve Lara (Elvis) died that morning together.
Barbara Baldwin Harder Kyle Dietz, Linda Ovendon, and Sandra Watkins
John Hamm ramona vargas, joe forest ,lynn golf, nancy nesaloney,ralph weekly,terry freeborn ,and u might remember jugler. just some i remember.
Buddy St John Robert Spielman, Joe Cavit, Andy Crawford, Mary Lou Johnson are still in my memories. Along With Bubba Grant, and Terry Wishert Roberts, Joe Albert Slaughter, and " Wallygator" Dominguez.There are too many more, but I can't recall them now.
Buddy St John James Benningfield, Ramona Fleming, Margie St. John Lewis, and the list goes on....We await our turn.
John Hamm Bill miller and his sister evan?
Joan Mixon Clay Clifford Mixon RFHS class of 1972 - I miss him everyday
Barbara Baldwin Harder Jeff Goff
Barbara Baldwin Harder Ramona Sanchez Kurtz Jeanie Kleypas
Buddy St John S A D !
Barbara Baldwin Harder I know, I need to quit this line of thinking....and go back to the happier memories....
Buddy St John Yes, and they have all crossed our lives and affected us in one way or another. There have been too many who have died fighting for our country too, but I am sure they would do it again!
Buddy St John ?...we quietly await our turns.
Joan Mixon Clay Quietly - Hell!
Barbara Baldwin Harder Well, I know one thing is for sure, we are all heading in that direction, and you never know what tomorrow will bring....
Sandy Cruser I agree with you joan, i ain't going quietly, and I AIN'T gonna wear a burka!
Barbara Baldwin Harder egads....I said Jeff Golf but I meant Lynn....sorry awful mistake
Anna Schexnider Hudman Morris Seems like that there are quite a few of us that lost our husband or wife way too early in life. Getting married at 17 and thinking you are gonna spend your lives together until one day it all changes. I lost my first husband/high school sweetheart Jimmy Hudman (class of 72) in September 1982. Life isn't always what you expect it to be.
Barbara Baldwin Harder very true very true...
Virginia Harder Price Chuck Ingersoll, Debbie Fake, Ida Valdez from class of 77.
Deanna Solomon Wayne Oakman
Marilu Richards McDonald From the class of 1970- Andy Crawford, Jane Rogers, Sandra Watson (who died before we graduated)
Marilu Richards McDonald also James Court
Phyllis Sulrzycki I first came to Rockport when I was in 9th grade, all I remember is people talking about loosing Van.
Renee Tuer Rinehart Roque Garcia from '70. Sandra Watkins.
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin James Court:-(. Anyone heard from Royce?
Jo Ann Freeborn Martin Didn't know about Wayne Oakman. He and Terry and Ralph Weekley were playing in our pasture and Wayne fell backwards. He had a pint of whiskey in his back pocket. Cut his hiney pretty bad, but I guess it was disinfected. Lol
Please feel free to add more names in comments below.
My mother was Yvonne Miller Miles, and Bill Miller was my uncle. The other 5 siblings are still kicking. My grandmother died March 97 (Bernice Miller), my uncle passed February 2000, and yes my mother passed Nov 2010.
ReplyDeleteRegina Miller Sammons died August 31, 2012... of lung cancer.
DeleteConnie Miller Haskin shot herself November 30, 2014.
They were Bill Miller and Karen Yvonne Miller Miles sisters.
Also, Charlotte Miller McBride, one of their other sisters passed away December 30, 2013.
DeleteOnly 2 remain.
Hi JoAnn, I doubt you remember me Tex Tracy, I'm sorry to hear about Strawberry. Are you still married to Dale? how is Terry?
ReplyDeleteMy Uncle, Charles Ingersoll, class of '77, died of leukemia in 1980, three years after high school, not middle school. His middle sister, my Aunt Sandie (class of '75), lived in Arizona with her husband and two daughters until she died in 2006 from breast cancer. Mom, Sherry Ingersoll Bourque (class of '73), is living happily in North Texas, married 27 years, with two grown sons.
ReplyDeleteI played percussion in highschool band with your Uncle Charles. He was a great guy. Glenn Driver. Class of 77.
ReplyDeleteI miss Scott Cory. I got to see him a short time in Houston before he died. He was one of the most loyal friends you could every have. He had a kid with a girl from Rockport about our senior year. I think they moved to Victoria area. Does anyone remember the mother of know of the child. I would love to tell her some stories about her father. We miss you, Scott! - Jay Merrett
ReplyDeleteMy name is Kristin Cory, Scott Cory's Daughter. I am from the Houston area, and would love to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. Just to make sure we are talking about the same Scott Cory.
DeleteHi Kristin,
DeleteI recognize that this is many years late but I was good friends with your dad in High School. I searched a number of times for him without success. I’m sorry to hear of his passing. I would like to hear about his life if that’s acceptable to you.
Paul R Murphy
Sandared, Sweden
Hi Jay,
DeleteI searched for Scott a number of times over the years without success. We were good friends at RFHS in 78-79. I graduated and moved away and lost touch. Did his daughter Kristin ever contact you? I have some fun stories about Scott and would like to hear about his life after HS.
Paul R Murphy ‘79
Sandared, Sweden
- Has anyone ever heard what happened to Robert Elliott? or Michelle Dozier? We havent' been able to locate either.
ReplyDeleteSad to think also that many if not most of the teacher and administrators we had have passed away! Miss you Mrs. Snider!
ReplyDeleteI meant Delana Shiley.
DeleteMartha Lindenmayer Shaw in NM (class of '71): I know Forest Porter died at around age 25 of drowning. Deana Shiley died in a mobile home fire (and her kids) somewhere on the east coast, and Ellen McElveen Murph died at about age 25 of pancreatic cancer, also a girl who joined our class the senior year (laurie Anderson maybe) died in 1972 in a car wreck, and there was more in the first ten years after we graduated. I am having a senior moment now....can't remember that 5th one. Anyone know?
ReplyDeleteMartha Shaw